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Lat pulldown machine

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The Lat pulldown machine is a stack-based cable & pulley weight machine that allows the user to train the muscles of the back and the shoulder, especially the Latissimus dorsi muscle which gives it its name. In many ways the machine provides a more accessible alternative for performing chin-up/pull-up exercises.

The machine consists of an overhead bar which is connected to a cable and a stack of rectangular weights which customarily weigh 6kg each. The stack of weights have a series of holes through which a pin can be passed to select the target weight. The exerciser sits on a seat provided below the overhead bar and pulls down on the bar thereby lifting the connected weights.

There are a number of variants available, some of which use hand grips instead of an overhead bar, others which do not use a stack selector, and so on. This machine is often combined with other cable-based devices such as the Lat row machine to offer a single hybrid alternative.